Keeping up Momentum for Ocean and Climate Action in 2020

OA Alliance Webinar Recording (60 Minutes)

May 27, 2020

How are governments and civil society continuing to drive ocean and climate action during this unprecedented time?  Hear from the United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for the Ocean, the Honorable Peter Thomson; learn about the Friends of Ocean Action’s upcoming Virtual Ocean Dialogues; receive an update from the UNFCCC Secretariat; and engage with the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.

-Agenda -

(1) Welcome and Introductions 

Jessie Turner, OA Alliance, Project Manager

(2) Keeping Up Momentum for Climate and Ocean Action (5-8 minutes)

United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for the Ocean, Ambassador Peter Thomson

  • Even with the UN Ocean Conference being postponed, why is it so important to continue setting goals, targets and commitments to implement UN SDG 14.

  • How can governments and civil society register new Voluntary Commitments? Why should they?

  • What is your personal take on this crisis, and what it tells us about our global community and the importance of shared vision and collective action?

(3) Friends of Ocean Action and upcoming Virtual Ocean Dialogues June 1-5 (5 minutes)

Elena Perez, Ocean Action Agenda Lead, World Economic Forum?

  • Why did Friends of Ocean Action decide to host the upcoming Virtual Ocean Dialogues?

  • Describe the priority focus areas of the Virtual Ocean Dialogues?

  • What are the major goals and desired outcomes of the Virtual Ocean Dialogues?

(4) UN World Ocean Day 2020 

Emilie McGlone, Director, Peace Boat US

  • What is the theme of this year’s UN World Ocean Day?

  • What kinds of events are being hosted and pulled together?

  • Where can individuals access the latest programs and learn how to participate in events?

(5) Status and Proposals for the Ocean and Climate Change Dialogue, as proposed at COP25 

Dr. Joanna Post, UNFCCC Secretariat, Programme Management Officer for Research & Systematic Observation

  • What is the Ocean and Climate Change Dialogue?

  • How was it created at COP25? What does the actual Chile- Madrid Time for Action decision say?

  • Who contributed to the Dialogue and what were the main themes across submissions?

  • What is the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA)? How would the Ocean and Climate Change Dialogue submissions have been included in the 52nd meeting?

(6) UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 

Secretary Vladimir Ryabinin, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission UNESCO 

  • What is the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development?

  • Will the Decade further inform or help to implement UN SDG 14?

  • How are priorities within the Implementation Plan being developed?

  • Has Covid-19 changed the priorities, benchmarks or desired outcomes of the Decade?

  • How can governments, research institutions, and other members of civil society engage in the Decade?


What Role Can Local and Regional Government Play?


Mitigation and Building Resilience through Kelp and Seagrass